
Slip and Fall Accident Against Walmart Receives $11 million Verdict

Walmart is one of the most well known companies in America today. In fact, it has consistently been ranked at the top of the Fortune 500 rankings, and last month was awarded the #1 spot, with $444 billion in revenue in 2012.

Thousands of civil lawsuits are filed every year against Walmart for various reasons. For example, earlier this year in Virginia, one Walmart customer reportedly won a verdict against Walmart for $11,250,000.00 following a slip and fall accident that left him severely disabled, and permanently in pain. The man’s injuries included numerous fractured bones in his back, his elbow, and his hand, and a rotator cuff injury. The reason for the unmarked wet floor was allegedly because an employee had left the area after mopping it in order to retrieve a warning cone.

The purpose of the seemingly large dollar amounts in cases like this one are several fold. First of all, the award sets out to cover all of the previously incurred medical expenses, and cover all those medical and related therapies and costs that may be incurred in the future. Further, it attempts to compensate the individual for the pain and suffering that they have suffered. It is also common for awards to compensate the individual for any previously lost wages, and if the person is unable to work, what they might have been able to earn. Lastly, punitive damages, which seek to punish the defendant for the wrongful conduct, are also sometimes a part of personal injury damage awards.

Slip and fall accidents like this one occur when someone slips or trips and falls, and endures some sort of injury, while they are on someone else’s property. If a person is injured due to the failure of the land owner to properly maintain or keep the area safe, there may be a potential premises liability claim. The injured person may have the right to receive compensation for the injuries and losses he or she sustained as a result of the fall. Slip and fall accidents can happen on both public and private property.

In Maryland, slip and fall cases are not easy to win, but an experienced personal injury lawyer will be able to determine the potential strength of your individual case. These cases are incredibly fact specific. The owner of the property is responsible only if the owner knew of a dangerous condition that caused the injured person to fall and failed to eliminate that dangerous condition. In addition, under certain circumstances, the owner of the property can be held responsible even if the owner of the property did not know of the dangerous condition, but failed to properly monitor the condition of the property.

If you or a loved one has been injured in slip and fall accident in Maryland or the greater Washington D.C. area, contact the experienced personal injury law firm of Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers. Our premises liability attorneys have the experience and skills to successfully handle your personal injury accident case. We have successfully represented individuals across the state who have been injured in many different sorts of accidents that were caused by another person’s negligence. Contact us today in order to schedule your initial complimentary consultation. You can reach us through our website, or by calling 1-800-654-1949.

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